Help Centre - Owner

See our FAQ

What is the instant booking option?



This option allows renters to book your vehicle without you approving the request.

Thus, the renter can directly proceed to the payment of the rental and confirm their booking, you will only be informed of the rental once it has been confirmed.



Who can activate this option?

- If your acceptance rate is higher than 60%

- If you are a Best Owner

To check out what the conditions are to become a Best Owner, please click here.



When activating instant booking, you commit to being responsive and attentive to your requests.

Since you cannot refuse an instant booking (except if the renter has made an error), you must imperatively keep your calendar up to date along with all the necessary information available to the renter in your description and preferences.

Updating your calendar, preferences, number of minimum rental days and rates must be checked before activating instant booking. 

All additional requirements must be included in the description of your ad. 

We will not be able to cancel a booking without proof of force majeur.

If the request does not suit you (settings on your advert not respected, renter requirement is unreasonable, etc.), you must contact us within 24 hours in order for us to review the cancellation.


How do I activate it?


If you are eligible to this option, you can activate it via your profile, under the section "My Ads" and then "Preferences". 

You can activate or deactivate this option at all times in your profile.