Help Centre - Owner

See our FAQ

What happens in case of cancellation?


When you accept a booking request as an owner, you undertake to honour it, except in the event of force majeure that prevents the hire (vehicle breakdown or accident).

If you cancel a booking without written proof of force majeure, a penalty of £150 will be retained by the website on the payment of your next remuneration to compensate for the loss of quality of the service offered to users.

If the renter cancels the booking, your remuneration will depend on the date of cancellation:

  • If the renter cancels 30 days or more before the departure day of the hire: If the rental request was issued before 02 May 2024: you will receive 30% of the amount of your remuneration.
    If the rental request is issued after 02 May 2024: you will receive 5% of your remuneration.
  • If the renter cancels less than 30 days from the day of departure: you will receive 100% of your planned remuneration.

You will be informed of this by email, and your vehicle will appear as available once more, for the dates that were cancelled.

In the event of cancellation due to force majeure, we invite you to consult our dedicated page which explains the eligible reasons and how the rental credit works.