RV and Camper rental insurance

Logo AXA Seguros

Atlantis Seguros is a year round insurance that covers the owner of the vehicle when they use their vehicle but also the renters during every rental.

  • Subscribed with each rental on the website for every vehicle. This insurance is available all year long and offers a comprehensive coverage with assistance.


This insurance policy has been declared 'Best car insurance' in the Euskal Telebista Consumidores program. The product has received the EthSl certification that guarantees its strong ethical and technical implication.

  • 1 Civil liability (SLI). The voluntary civil liability guarantee, unlike many entities, provides coverage up to 50 million euros, for any insurance modality, for a wide variety of reasons such as third-party liability derived from vehicle fire, occupants' liability, third-party liability for damage caused by luggage and liability caused by a stationary vehicle.
  • 2 Medical support coverage. Covers the driver and its occupants. Medical center chosen by the insured without any limits imposed by the insurance.
  • 3 Legal defense and claims coverage. Covers the driver and its occupants. Favors the choice of a lawyer when the client desires it : up to €6,000. The coverage works in case of a claim made by a cyclist or a pedestrian.
  • 4 Theft , fire and damage. Coverage extension : Valuation of the vehicle in case of "total loss" ( replacement value the two first years +30% starting from the date). The coverage includes the safety package for children, the disabled facilities, luggage, music instruments etc..., without having to declare them.
  • 5 To repair their vehicle, the person insured can choose the garage of their choice or a garage which offers special perks because it has a partnership with the insurer.

If you own a vehicle and wish to buy this insurance, please contact our registration service on this number: +34 93 496 47 96 / + 34 901 500 300

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