Low profile rv

Front view from 3/4 Fiat 2,3 140 Multijet - Yescapa

5 secure placesSeats with seat belts

5 sleeping spacesComfortable sleeping area for 5 persons

Licence BYour car license is sufficient to drive this vehicle weighing less than 3500 kg

Verified documentThe vehicle registration document is certified by us as being in order

Authorised travel abroadThe owner authorises his vehicle to travel in several countries

Pets not allowedYour pets will not be able to be part of this trip

Free and non-binding rental request!

Included in the rental

  • Insurance for the vehicle and its occupants
  • Roadside assistance

    Our team is always at your service

  • Secured payment

    More convenience with our payment facilities

  • Departure Security

    Our team offers you alternatives in case of last-minute problems

Jordi presents its profiled motorhome

Autocaravana perfilada, còmoda i fàcil de conduir. Disposa de 5 places per a viatjar, 5 per a dormir i molts armaris i calaixos per a guardar les vostres coses. La cuina està totalment equipada. Disposa de tres fogons, pica gran, nevera i congelador i diferents armaris per a poder desar els estris i el menjar. Estris de cuina (vaixella, coberts, cafetera, bateria de cuina, etc), productes bàsics (oli, vinagre, sucre, sal, cafè) i estris de neteja (draps, baietes, fregall, sabó, escombra, pala) inclosos. Lavabo amb WC químic, rentamans i dutxa gran. S’inclouen les pastilles per al WC, tovalloles i sabons, així com un petit botiquí. També disposareu de llençols, mantes i coixins. El garatge és ben gran,  per a poder carregar tot el necessari per a les vacances! Nosaltres us hi posem taula i cadires de càmping. Si us voleu endur bicicletes, hi ha un portabicis amb capacitat per a 4. L’autocaravana és autònoma, té placa solar i inversor. La calefacció i l’aigua calenta funcionen amb gas propà.  Incloem manguera amb adaptadors, cable per a poder-se endollar en cas d’estar en un càmping i nivelladors. Disposem de cadiretes de bebè i elevadors per si en necessiteu. Volem compartir la nostra afició a les vacances sobre rodes i fer que la vostra experiència sigui inoblidable. Només us heu de preocupar de triar el vostre destí i portar la roba! 



Berth 1

Pop up roof bed

120x190 cm
Berth 2

Tranverse fixed bed

190x210 cm


  • Inside shower
  • WC
  • Bike Rack
  • Refrigerator
  • Dinnerware Set
  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Household essentials
  • Coffee machine
  • Cruise Control

Technical characteristics

  • ModelIlusion XMK 690
  • Year of registration2021
  • GVW3,500 kg
  • Height3.2 m

Rental conditions

Rental conditions

  • Travelling abroad ?Allowed
  • Driving licenceCategory B
  • Pets allowed ?Not allowed
  • Smoking allowed ?Not allowed
  • Excess kilometers€0.25 per additional km

Guarantee deposit:

  • Payment method(s) for the security depositManaged directly by the owner, credit card
  • Amount€1,000

Cancellation policy

Refund terms vary depending on the date of cancellation of the booking.

Handover location

Montoliu de Lleida (25172), Spain

The exact address will be communicated to you when the booking is confirmed.

  • Business hoursMonday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, bank holiday

5 reviews from a verified booking

JordiProfessional owner — On Yescapa since 2022

Som el Jordi i l'Andrea, fa anys que tenim una furgoneta, amb la que hem gaudit molt de les nostres vacances. Des de que vam llogar la primera autocaravana ens va enamorar la quantitat d'espai que tenen i la seva comoditat. Per això vam fer el pas de comprar-ne una i llogar-la per a que altres persones puguin gaudir de les vacances sobre rodes tant com ho fem nosaltres.

  • Overall Rating
  • Response rate100%
  • LanguageEnglish, Spanish, Catalan, Italian
  • Certified Profile

Cancellation policy

  • The booking is confirmed

    More than 30 days before departure, you will be refunded 95% of the cost of the rental excluding insurance and service charges.

  • 30 days before departure

    Less than 30 days before departure, no refund is possible, and the full amount of the transaction is due.

  • Departure

Flexible cancellation due to the reason force majeure

If you are unable to travel due to force majeure, you can benefit from special cancellation conditions. Which allows you to postpone your trip at no cost.

The amount of your cancelled reservation will be transferred to a rental credit allowing you to reserve the same vehicle (or another vehicle from the same owner), on the dates of your choice.

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